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Thread: Retrofitting Suburbia into Self-Sustainable Cooperatives Post Crash

Land Management

Last Update:    7/17/2009 12:00 PM CST


A. Government regulations and authority will collapse.

B. After governmental collapse a lot of homes will be abandoned due to death, extended families consolidating, difficulty to survive alone, confusion as to ownership, etc.

C. After governmental collapse a lot of commercial property will have been abandoned.

D. Squatters rights may become the law of the land.

E. It would be in the community's best interest to quickly convert to a walking community.



1. Consider utilizing a few buildings near a good water source as the communit'y people center.
    These might become the Meeting hall, Dining hall, Organization hub, Medical and Child Care facilities etc.

2. Consider converting commercial buildings to Scavenging, Supply & Recycling center, fabrication shops, work centers, Storm & Security fall-back positions, etc.

3. Fencing:


  • Tear down wooden privacy fences and recycle. Might be used to construct garden boxes.
    This will allow sunlight for more gardening.

  •  Consider growing bio intensive garden rows on both sides of wire fences making them trellises.

  • Consider encircling fencing around 50 - 100 home area, blocking off most streets. This might cause visitors to enter gated entrances.

4. Build garden boxes in vacated roadways near water supply in addition to converting surrounding lawns into gardens shortening water delivery.  Establish orchards on land farthest from water source.

5. Construct numerous compost piles for easily accessible sewage collection and waste disposal.

6. Establish location for community waste collection & recycling for non-biodegradable items not composted.

7. Trap roadway rainwater runoff for gardening.

8. Encourage multi-families per home.

9. The community, after it is organized, should commandeer all county assets in neighborhood, including streets, sewers, sidewalks, non-functioning utility assets, parks, etc., as well as all abandoned residential and commercial properties and then consider their best use.

10. Be prepared to accept and work around homeowners not ready to participate in community initially.

11. Underground Cistern: Plug up municipal sewer entering and leaving the community. Ensure no one is flushing toilets into it. Use rainwater collected for gardening.

12. High Tension Power Lines: Do not attempt traditional farming under these lines as utility companies have sprayed poisons there for years. However, raised garden boxes would work well there.

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